It’s hard to keep track of all the different names used in all the different regions of the Balkans. This makes history a bit more difficult, because when things like Thrace, Illyria, Dalmatia, Ragusa, Dubrovnik, Macedonia, North Macedonia, and all the names in between are being tossed about, keeping them straight becomes nearly impossible. And …
Anyone should be able to visit anywhere in the world without having to worry about safety precautions. Anyone should, but unfortunately the world doesn’t work that way, and visiting certain areas requires a bit more in the way of pre-planning in order to make sure that visitors don’t end up in less-than-savory situations. There are …
By, afradmin
Getting ready for travel can be almost as much fun as the actual traveling. Actually, given the issues with airline seats, airborne infections, and jet lag, the travel part isn’t that great. Visiting is great, for sure. But traveling to the area to be visited? Maybe some people are masochists and enjoy the armrest struggle …
By, afradmin