The Dog that Made Yugoslavia Possible

The Dog that Made Yugoslavia Possible

Josip Broz Tito loved dogs.  Although people may not have known that before World War II, they certainly realized it after as photos of him with his omnipresent canine companions circulated throughout Yugoslavia and the world. 

Tito with a dog
Tito bathing one of his dogs

And if it weren’t for a dog, Yugoslavia may never have existed.  Or, at least, not the Yugoslavia that challenged Stalin and started a non-aligned nations movement that changed the face of the Cold War.

Tito and Luks
Tito and Luks in 1942

It was on 9 June that Tito’s rescued German Shepherd, Luks, saved his life.  That’s probably reason enough to sit back one day a year and reflect on how the smallest choices can cause nations to rise and fall.  

Josip Broz Tito


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