A White Rose in the Land of Eagles The Contrary Communist And the Walls Came Tumbling Down We Must Stop the Bear! Three Players in the Balkan Sandbox Yet Another Balkan Crisis French Artillery in the Balkans The War That Wasn't Quite a War Human Flesh is Too Salty The Man Who Funded the Revolution More Stalinist Than Stalin Eighty Years to Change the World The Red Bishop Weapons of the Hungarian Revolution Saving a Species The Battle For Greece Russians Go Home! Franco-Serbian Tactics and Prussian-Ottoman Strategy in Kumanovo A Very Balkan Assassination The Twisted Road to Independence A Person Over Whom The Right of Ownership is Exercised A Defining Crisis The End of Dynasties Typically Twisted - Politics of the Balkan Wars The Last Independent Zulu King The Plague that Killed the Emperor One Man's Terrorist From Plague to Vampires Alexander's Rome The Battle of Petrovaradin and a Tardy Death Warrant From Serbian Independence to Israel The Rabbi That Started It All The Often Hidden History of the San The Tsar Who Saved (most) of the Jews A Holiday For an Abandoned Revolution Alexander the Great and His Women The Devil in the Details and the Kingdom The Very Balkan Roman Emperors What is Heresy? A Tale of Two Churches When the Children Led There is Always Something to Say A Sarajevo Purim There Were Kings in Bosnia An Age of Peace and Prosperity A War in Thirty Minutes One Man and a City History The Creation of Great Men A Winkelturme Hochbunker in Sarajevo Defeat From Victory The Little Man Who Burned a City The Shes Who are Hes The Dog Responsible for Yugoslavia The Dragon How the Mauser Won the World The Most Beautiful Unhappy Queen Neither Greece, Nor Bulgaria, Nor Serbia The Balkan Ruler of the Ottomans The Slaves Who Ruled an Empire Memoirs of a Former Janissary The Abandoned Fort That Did Not Stop a War Ancient British Silk Garters, Modern Greek Kilts, and Surplus WWII American Rifles How the Oplot Was Almost the Yatagan The Many Named People Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Serbia Montenegro Macedonia Greece Slovenia Hungary South Africa Zambia Tanzania Malawi Mozambique Kenya Zimbabwe Namibia Botswana Sierra Leone Rwanda Ghana Zanzibar Gambia Ethiopia Angola Congo Libya Uganda Yugoslavia Egypt