Three Players in the Balkan Sandbox
The last thousand years of Balkan history is a tale of three powers pulling on the limbs of an infant, as in the Biblical parable

Yet Another Balkan Crisis
The provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be occupied and administered by Austria-Hungary…Austria-Hungary reserves the right to maintain garrisons and to have military and trading

Typically Twisted – Politics of the Balkan Wars
The nineteenth century wasn’t a great time for the Ottoman Empire. It wasn’t the worst time, that would be the beginning of the twentieth century

The Devil in the Details and the Kingdom
There was a slaughter. From 303 a series of edicts from the Roman government rescinded the rights of Christians in the Empire and demanded that

There is Always Something to Say
In the Balkans, language rolls off the tongue and defines the culture profoundly. The way people speak is the way they think and also how

The Dog Responsible for Yugoslavia
Within the thousands of pictures the world has of Yugoslavia’s apex leader Josip Broz Tito are many, many photos of the Yugoslav leader in various

Ancient British Silk Garters, Modern Greek Kilts, and Surplus WWII American Rifles
Historical anachronisms can be fascinating, nowhere more than in the Balkans, a region which can itself be seen as a living historical anachronism. Named by